A True life story based on misplaced Truth, Identity and Reunion
My name is Amos Gift Eyare and this is my story. A story that must be told to the world.
One that is completely out of this world, twisted with destiny and hope. Oh yes! with divine sanction from God himself.
The Absence of a Father Figure in my Life
When my mother gave birth to us, my dad left my mum and her children, which I happen to be among. I was still young and did not know him neither did I understand the reason for his actions.
My mother took us to the village after my dad left her with us at Ikom, Cross River State. We grew up in the village, had our education still in the village, it was never easy for us. The memory I had of my dad was that of a nine-year-old girl.
As years went by, we managed and grew up with the passage of time. Then, there happened to be a clash in my clan which resulted into a war and we were forced to leave the village.
At first, everyone thought things would cool down, that the clash would be settled but it was never so, as the clash escalated into a war.
Houses were burnt down, properties destroyed and lives were put in serious danger. We had to leave as fast as we could, to save our lives even though there was nothing much left in the village to carry along, and leave we did.

We had nowhere else to go for the meantime, so we went to my father’s abode. That was when I saw my dad again, after leaving the village. I stayed with my him for a while, after which I left and went back to meet my mother at her newfound home, somewhere in the same Cross River State.
I never really had time to sit down and talk to my dad, neither were we able to share a daughter-father moment, because I stayed for only two weeks during the period the war ensued.
So, I grew up without a father figure, because our dad was never part of my family in every other aspect aside the blood bond. It was just me, my mother and my siblings.
Some of my siblings took turn to stay with him, but I never stayed with him again outside that moment of conflict in my town, and the stay of which never lasted that long.
My training and upbringing were all my mother’s doing. My father never trained me in school or provided for any of my needs as a child, and we never even talked unless on certain occasion, such as my sister’s wedding, where we will just exchange greetings. I don’t call him, and he never calls also. I was angry because he never took care of us.
The Details That Would Lighten My Path
Then a day came that he travelled down to visit my sister at Enugu, and I was staying with her then. That was the first time I had the chance to sit down and talk to him.
But before I could ask him anything, I remembered my mother told me that my father once told her when they were still dating that he was already married with children at Cameroon before relocating to Nigeria. I was worried that I might one day marry my sibling (stepbrother) unknowingly if I did not ask my father for details.
So, I asked him about my siblings from his first wife, he told me all I needed to know about them. After his stay, he later left for the village, and I decided to utilize the information I got from him.
I used the information he gave me and started my search on social media. I took extra time and effort to search on Facebook, just to see if I could find anything or anyone related to what he has given me.
I checked and searched all the names he gave me online, but I could not find anything. That did not stop my search, for I continued looking for any clue, just any hope to lean on!

On March 2022, while resting on my bed, an idea dropped into my head that I should check the names of the Communities on Facebook and their Facebook groups since I could not find the individual names that my dad gave to me.
I did just that and started checking the communities. I also checked their youth group; Cameroon Ngambe Youth Group, so many options came out. Then day luck smiled on me, for I happened to fall upon one of the group leaders whose profile and location also happened to be the same as the place my father lived with his first family in Cameroon.
I was excited! as I felt a little spark of hope and immediately called the number on his profile.
It rang but no one picked the phone, I called again but same thing happened. I decided to call back some other day which I did and was lucky to reach him this time.
I told him if he would be able to reach out to my family. I told him that I am looking for my family at a given place in Cameroon. I went ahead and added that my family is from Ngambe, while my father is here in Nigeria, that he has been here for so long and he gave birth to three of us before leaving my mother. Now he is married to another woman with who he had two children.
None of us have gone to his village neither do we know where he comes from, we only know that he is from Cameroon and the name of the place in particular is called Ngambe but we don’t know where exactly in Ngambe he comes from.

So, I told him that I am searching for my father’s family, and if he could be of help to me and look around for them in the said community.
All the names that my father gave to me, I mentioned all of them to him and the young man whose name is Nensolo Etienno, and he replied “alright, I will help you”. He went ahead to add that he is from Ngema, that from Ngambe to Ngema is not far for it is like two close streets with different names.
He said that he will go and ask the next day, asking me if I am quite serious about the whole thing, to which I answered him “Yes, I am”.
The Meeting
On the 6th of May 2021 being the next day, after my classes, I saw a missed calls from him, to which I called the next day. He told me that he went to the place I directed him to go, and he met one of my father’s relatives.
He also told me that everything I told him was true as the said relative also gave him more information. My father’s first wife had a twin, one of which was actually the friend of this man that was helping me in the search for my identity.
That was how God twisted everything for my good. He said he was so surprised when he heard the whole story, and the man telling him the story asked him “So Amos is Still Alive?” (Amos is my father’s name). None of his relative suspected or believed that my father is still alive. This relative of my father told him the whole story.
He also added that he has my brother’s number. I was overjoyed for you could literally see me jumping and shouting.
The realization of the fact that a link is finally being created between myself and my lost family was one that brought me much joy and laughter. He said he needs to confirm from my brother if he should give me the number, of which he did.
My brother was so happy and excited as well after he gave him my number, we started talking and that was how I got to know that the woman he married at Cameroon is dead, his first son is dead, my grandfather is also dead, but my grandmother is still alive and other few family members.
The Reunion at Nigeria
My aunt decided to come down to see my father. All of them couldn’t come down due to financial issues even though they would have loved and wanted to come over just to see my father and the families he has made down here in Nigeria.
When my aunty came, she told us that they have been telling them in church that my father (Amos) is still alive. That until the person that cast the spell on him confesses, that my father can never be found. That my aunty believed his brother is still alive.
They gathered money and my aunty came down to see her brother, she first came to my mother’s home after which we took her to my father’s place to surprise him and know if he will still recognize her, but he could not.
We made a video of it and sent to his family down at Cameroon, the whole family was so happy, when villagers heard what happened, they came down to my father’s compound at Cameroon to rejoice with them.

It was at with the arrival of my aunt that we got to know why my father was behaving the way he was behaving.
The Story in Details
My father’s stepmother got married to my grandfather as his second wife then. Her arrival brought nothing but bad luck, for she came and scattered both his family and his first marriage.
I don’t know what she did spiritually, but my grandfather married her instead and totally forgot about my grandmother, her children and anything pertaining to them.
He was only taking care of the woman and her own son. As my aunt said, my father was blessed from youth with finance, so he was the one taking care of the family. She said he was the one that was training her in school then.
One day, my father gave his stepbrother money to learn a trade, that it was the same money that my father’s stepmother collected and took to a fetish home where they used it to lay a curse on my father.
She transferred my father’s wealth and destiny to her own son and sent my father away spiritually. She sold him out and told him that he should go and die in a strange land. He should go and never remember his family again.

That wherever he dies that is where he will be buried. She laid the curse on my father, and that was why my father left Cameroon and came down to Nigeria.
He had us in Nigeria whilst still living under the curse, and also why we never knew his father, neither was he able to take us to Cameroon to see his family.
That was also, why he couldn’t take care of us, for he was just moving from one place to another. After my step-grandmother’s confession, she died and the whole family celebrated, they all believed that in not so long a time my father will come back to them as he is already free from the curse. That was how I became the person used by God to bring that to manifestation.
We were supposed to go over to Cameroon by December 2022, being myself, my father and my two brothers but I could not go along with them because I could not fund my transportation, even though they were all expecting me.
My two brothers later went to Cameroon and my father is supposed to join them in January 2023, but I don’t know if he had gone as I haven’t spoken to him after the meeting with his sister.
This is the whole story, and we return all thanks to God almighty for this great testimony and awesome miracle. He has made everything right at his own time.
My grandmother who is still alive is so happy to hear that her son has been found. She is eagerly waiting to see him before she dies.
And we do hope to someday write a non-fictional novel out of this story.
For enquiries or a furtherance on this true-life story, you can reach Amos on her Facebook Handle: Amos Love or drop a comment at the comment section below.