Biography of Dr. Chima Chidubem: Full Name, Childhood and Career
Biography of Dr. Chima Chidubem: Full Name, Childhood and Career

Biography of Dr. Chima Chidubem: Full Name, Childhood and Career

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Medical Doctor and Chief Medical Director EzzyCares Multi-Specialist Hospital Transekulu Enugu, State Executive Director Africa’s Young Entrepreneurs Enugu State and the Individual that undertook the just concluded Official Guinness World Records Attempt on Longest Speech Marathon (Achieving 101 hours, 5 minutes and 16 seconds surpassing the current world record holder an Indian who spoke for 90hours and 2 minutes).

What inspired you to attempt the Guinness World Record for the longest speech marathon?

A- Distinction, Distinction inspired me. I was inspired by the hunger to carve a niche for my fellow youths and build/instill unquenchable confidence in them. I believe that the word impossibility is only meant for the dictionary and I feel driven to put up a feat that will encourage others out there to embrace bravery, positive ingenuity and not vices as well as charge all to know they can reach for the skies no matter how challenging or daunting the task is.

Secondly, the innate quest and burning desire in me to lend my voice to critical issues in our Country, Continent and our World, repositioning and re-orientation of the value system and core norms in our society especially amongst our youths, the vision to re-ignite the quest for knowledge, reading and knowledge seeking culture amongst youths and persons in our society stand tall in driving me to embark on this journey, to change and impact on a whole lot of narratives not limited to the above.

Can you share some background about yourself and your experience with public speaking?

A- I am Dr. Chima Chidubem, a native of Amutenyi Obollo -Afor, in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State. My Nursery school education was at Ezi Nursery School, Awolowo Street Uwani Enugu, Primary at Mary Slessor Nursery and Primary School Amokwe Street Uwani Enugu, Secondary at Command Day Secondary School Abakpa Cantonment Abakaliki Expressway Enugu and University at Enugu State University of Science and Technology.

I am a medical Doctor and currently the Chief Medical Director of EzzyCares Multi -Specialist Hospital Transekulu Enugu. Also presently the State Executive Director for Africa’s Young Entrepreneurs Organization, Enugu State.
I’m popularly referred to as an orator by my colleagues and I have also held very many leadership positions with which overtime has inculcated this ability into my humble self.

I have a passion to lead and see things done right in order to provide succour and develop persons, to mention a few.

How have you been preparing for this record attempt, both physically and mentally?

By way of selecting topics of interest and value to cut across all spheres and researching on them.

Also private speech times as a way of self training as well as the mock session I and my crew held a week ago to see our flaws , which we ended at 19hours and 10minutes without being tired and still very ready to continue had it been it were the main event.

Training myself on not looking at the time achieved as the attempt goes through has also proved a good tool to victory.

What topics will you be covering during your speech marathon?

A- I will be going through very many topics, which includes; Anxiety and Anger issues, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Prostate issues, Cultism, My Life experiences failures and accomplishments, Assault, Financial Development and right attitude.

The inexplicability of spirituality, Sex and sexuality, Why invest in Enugu State, Nigeria and Africa, Slave trade, Human Trafficking, Internet Fraud, Gender Equality and Issues, Money and Connection, Tribute to Late Professor Dora Akunyili, Eulogy to my parents, Genotype and Sickle cell issues, Asthma, Cholera and very many more.

Have you developed any specific strategies to maintain your energy and focus throughout the marathon?

Yes, and Chief amongst those strategies is being involved in my speeches, by first listening to myself as I speak in order to make sure my words and thoughts are engaging and interesting to my audience.

Also, the constant renewal of the thought of the very many medals this could bring at the end of a successful outing, will keep me going and pushing till victory.

Another is creating of a wide awareness reach and consultations for people to know and understand what we are embarking on, also internalize the date it begins so as to encourage their trooping out en masse to cheer us which will in turn boost my energy.

What do you anticipate being the most challenging aspect of this attempt?

A- The nights of this attempt actually, because our circarrdian rhythm will take it’s toll and people will feel sleepy, because it’s a natural process for the body. When many are sleepy or even sleeping around you, the tendency that you ‘ll stagger highly abounds. So we are working on keeping people agile, awake and active as much as possible with our performance by way of making our topics interesting and enjoyable with light refreshments and guided entertainment around the venue (The Base Landmarks Event Centre Independence layout Enugu, beginning Sunday 7th July 2024, 12noon.

How do you plan to handle moments of fatigue or mental block during the speech?

A- The two mentioned above are inevitable and I plan to overcome them as I have before now began training myself on my endurance capacity of which my profession has also made it a lot easier for me to attain by having cultured me on that way before now.

I also plan on having a lot of topics running into several hundreds so as to easily switch to another in occasions of this thought block as you mentioned above.

What message or course do you hope to promote through this record attempt?

A- The Art of Public Speaking. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow but that leader cannot effectively lead without being able to communicate well enough and rightly with his/her followers, especially in ways to gain and keep their attention and interest aroused with the subject matter.
I and my crew hope to take the campaign on re-ignition of reading culture, debating spirit and knowledge seeking attitude amongst the youths and our young ones to schools both the Secondary and University levels.
We also want to drive a nationwide campaign called “Re-birthed Nigeria” to pursue a national re-orientation project which will with time move West Africa wise, Africa wise and Globally.

We will also embark on a project of re-equipping various school libraries and the construction of our innovative reading gardens in various schools to make reading enjoyable and very less bothersome/tiring.

There will in turn be training sessions and mentoring on the Art of Public Speaking.

How do you think this attempt will impact your life and career, regardless of the outcome?

Regardless of the outcome of this Attempt, I strongly believe that we have achieved our goals, I strongly believe that we have staunchly showcased the African I can do spirit to the world.

I hope to have my voice alongside my crew members and youths alike heard in the United Nations.

I hope to revamp our society and core values towards positivity.

Also looking forward to going into ambassadorial deals with Firms/Companies to advertise or be their Brand Ambassador.

I also hope to get speaking engagements to talk to the World and lend our voices to World issues.

Not forgetting my skills for acting which I hope this endeavor/attempt will fan up opportunities to engage in.

I intend to also go into politics to enable me position our society and Mentor youths alike which I believe this attempt will provide an atmosphere for these to thrive.

And lots of other opportunities I hope this challenge brings.

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